Panel Discussion: Energy Cost Saving Trends and Future Opportunities
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 2:05 PM - 2:45 PM
  • Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI) as well as residential customers are searching for options to enable onsite management of their energy usage and loads;
  • Utility companies need solutions for aging infrastructure, peak load management, power quality, and projected energy deficits
Energy Cost Saving Trends and Future Opportunities is a panel discussion on battery energy storage as an emerging technology being adopted to help address many of these issues. In addition to battery technology, we will also be discussing other and arguably more important trends (old and new) that are helping shape the energy cost savings landscape.
This panel will discuss prominent cost saving trends being implemented today as well as a look towards future opportunities by answering the following questions:
  • How will the regulatory landscape affect near term energy cost saving decisions?
  • Can traditional curtailment strategies play a more significant role in Global Adjustment (GA) mitigation strategies?
  • Batteries vs non-renewable generators for GA peak shaving?
  • How long will current Energy Savings Agreements (ESA) for GA mitigation remain a hot button topic?
  • What value-stack options and ancillary service offerings are going to be available and when for developers and facility owners alike?
Moderator: Darcy Boudreau, Director of Power Solutions, Spark Power Corp.
  • Gord Reynolds, COO and EVP of Corporate Development, NRStor
  • Cam Carver, Director and General Manager, NRG Peaks Corp
  • Larsh Johnson, Chief Technology Officer, Stem Inc.